* = Locations with deals currently running |
Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa |
I can buy brand new and quality pre-owned automobiles at great discounts through the Waiting Lists System. Depending on the merchants in the area, CARNNECT provides me with access to ATVs, Boats, Cars, Motor Cycles, Motor Homes, RVs, SUVs, Trailers, Trucks, Vans, and even Commercial Vehicles for my business.
I can buy automotive services online and pay for them up front with a credit card. Not only that I get great discounts products and services, I get VIP treatment and avoid delays when I redeem my deals in-person.
I can purchase multiple copies of a deal and spread them out to my friends, family members, and associates. I can print each item as many times as I want. Each of my friends get a unique print-out of their gifts and can redeem them separately and independent of each other.
I can follow and be followed by as many different users on the platform as I'd like. CARNNECT meets all the social networking needs that relate to my transportation lifestyle. I love carnnecting with others. I can xFS (unfollow) any user any time I wish.
I can activate group-buying power on everything. Whether it's a daily sales deal, a daily services deal, or a pricing offer, all my friends on the network can help me negotiate to get a better deal from the merchant.
I can engage a large number of people simultaneously on any of my products. Because my dealings with a buyer is open to everybody on the network, others get more interested in my products and services. This is great. It's helping my business grow faster.
I can MAKE MY OWN PRICE. The iCarOffer module in CARNNECT gives me the ability to see a price break-down from the dealer so I don't have to worry about hidden numbers. CARNNECT then gives me the ability to make any offer on the vehicle.
I can have a garage wall photo gallery of great photos that I want to share with the world. I can add titles of up to 200 characters and descriptions of up to 10,000 characters to 40 different photos. My wall gives friends the ability to add comments and socialize around my gallery. I can't say it enough, CARNNECT IS AWESOME.
I can say clever things. I think I am a poet at heart. CARNNECT lets me add as many daily quotes as I would like to my profile. I can write up to 4 short paragraphs of 240 characters each and one lengthy notation of up to 60,000 characters. My daily quotes are shared on my User Page and other random areas of CARNNECT.com.
I can talk, and talk, and talk on the network. I have the ability to add comments and notes to virtually everything including deals, locations, people, products, merchants and so on. They say that most of us social networking folks now trust our web friends' opinions more than professionals and other non-web friends. I want to help my friends, so I make it a habit to join or start a conversation whenever I can.
I can chat live or leave messages for a merchant of a product I am interested in. This saves me a lot of time. Best of all, as I chat or message with a merchant, all other users can see what is going on. They can join in any time they wish. The ROGEE Corporation (creator of CARNNECT) calls this: SOCIAL CRM. Whatever they call it, I love it. I no longer feel cornered by a dealer when I am interested in a vehicle. Everything is done in the open.
I can share with friends in more than one way. I get a unique Web Page, a unique Screen Name, a unique User Code and I can use all of these to identify myself and my friends on the network. Sharing and following in most cases is automatically handled by the CARNNECT system. How cool!
As a merchant, I can manage Interested Shopper and Potential Buyer waiting lists for my Auto Sales Daily Deals. CARNNECT is a smart tool and it automatically walks me through many important steps. For example, to legally maintain the ''First-come-first-served'' waiting list, CARNNECT only lets me contact one buyer at a time in order of their registration timestamp on the ROGEE computer servers. All buyers are locked and I can only contact them in a sequential order.
I can SUGGEST as many deals as I want. CARNNECT gives me a merchant database that I can use to suggest Daily Auto Sales, Daily Auto Services, and iCarOffer Deals. There are no limits to how many deals I can suggest. The ROGEE team works with my business to make sure I have created deals that will be beneficial to both me and my customers.
I can check my leads as a buyer or seller any time I want. All leads and inquiries on the CARNNECT platform are presented through the elements that make up our ''visual human experience'' including photos, audio, social activities, and conversations of the prospects.
I can now keep a perpetual record of all my activities, purchases, leads, chats, comments and conversations on CARNNECT. Everything is in the cloud and paperless. I have access to my data from any web connection on any web device.
I can easily identify myself to merchants when needed. I can add a photo and other key information to my profile. When I am at a merchants store, I can identify myself by simply providing my unique Screen Name, User Code, or User Name. An example of where I can use this is when I redeem a service I have bought online. I don't need a print-out. The merchant can plug my User Name, Screen Name or the Deal Code into the VALIDATOR and quickly identify me.
I can CUSTOMIZE MY PROFILE any time I want. My changes are immediate so I can have my account in the status I want, when I want. I can change my password and other key information whenever I desire.
I can shop any location on the CARNNECT system. If I cannot find a deal within my immediate vicinity, I can shop outside of my area as far as I am willing to travel. Some merchants can ship the products I want so this means the whole world (any where CARNNECT is available) is my shopping ground.
I can use the iLt - i love this module to express my love and appreciation for all elements of the platform including friends, deals, merchants, locations, and products.